
The Birth of John the Baptist is Announced A1

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Toonkoor Autobiography

Hi everyone, my name is Tut Nyokwan aka Toonkoor. The name Tut means bull in Nuer, and it’s a short form for Toonkoor. Now let’s define the name Toonkoor. Toonkoor is a bull’s name. In Africa, every bull has a name, and the bulls are named according to their colours. My human-father had a white bull with black head and black tail. So that colour which I just described then is called “Koor” in Nuer. And then you could say Koor bull in English or Tutinkoor in Nuer which is pronounced “Toonkoor”.

After I was born, my human-father named me after his favorite bull which is called Toonkoor. But other people just called me Tut in short-form. Now let me tell you a bit more about my music career. I learnt how to sing songs and play musical instruments from the churches back in Africa. I started playing drums and African guitar called Ndungu (in Kiswahilli Language) from Northern Sudan, South Sudan & Kenya. So when I came to Australia, I was carried away by Rap & Hip Hop Music listening to Tupac and 50 cent.

While I was at Balga Senior High School, I chose to study digital media. But instead others chose to learn soccer. You can’t do them both You only either choose Digital Media, or Soccer. While I was studying Digital Media, I learnt how to record and edit sound/music on the computer, and how to shoot and edit films. And had learn all the basic computer skills, such as building
computers and websites.

It was from 2006 to 2008 when I was learning how to use computers at high school. I was in year 11 in 2008 when I quit high school and went to Roof Tiling College. I was doing my Roof Tiling Apprenticeship in Cannington Western Australia. I then graduated from Roof Tiling and started my own roof tiling business in 2010, until present. At that time, I never used to go to Church.

But in 2011, somehow I fell in love with the word of God and started buying Christian Religious movies on DVD. And I saw lots of miracles being performed by the Lord Jesus. And in those movies I heard the Lord Jesus say: in John 14.12-14: 12 I am telling you the truth: those who believe in me will do what I do—yes, they will do even greater things, because I am going to the Father. 13 And I will do whatever you ask for in my name, so that the Father's glory will be shown through the Son. 14 If you ask me [d] for anything in my name, I will do it.

That above scripture made me dream more about performing these miracles myself. So few weeks later I met with a "Miracle Performing church" called the Revival Fellowship and they taught me how to perform all the miracles. It took me 11 months to learn how to perform these miracles. (But when I started teaching people to perform these miracles, it just only took most of them just about 3 minutes to learn how to perform these miracles. It didn’t take them 11 months at all like I did.) I thought I was never going to learn. But I put my doubts aside and I forced myself to believe and I pretended to agree with their teachings, all though it was hard to believe.

Seven months after I received the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in the Language of God. On 9th June, 2012, my pastor chose me to work with him as one of the preachers, because I ended up performing more miracles than everyone in the church did, including all the pastors themselves. I then went through a quiz given to me by pastor Simon Pearce. After the quiz, he just said to me; "From now on Tut, you are a qualified preacher of the word of God, before the Almighty Father in Heaven. In Jesus Mighty Name". He said. Now that was 2013, 7 months after I received the Holy Ghost.

So this is the reason why I started making my own hip hop music. Since 2011, I always watched a Jesus Movie called; "Gospel of John." Taken from the Holy Bible in the book of John (The 4th Book of the 4 Gospels). So there is a reason why I performed more miracles than the church itself did. The reason is: I was choked by the miracle of speaking in other tongues, (the language of God). which I didn’t believe that I would speak, from the beginning of my learning of the miracles.

One night I tried saying hallelujah as the church taught me... But then I only said Hallelujah two times and half, and then my tongue twisted and I spoke a new language that I had never spoken before. In the process I fell like my tongue was tired of saying hallelujah.

Seeing this miracle, and the church said that it’s the only way to go to heaven. So because I love my friends and family, and I hate going through pain and suffering and also, because I value
every human's life, I won’t want anyone to die in the Second Death, knowing that I could save them by teaching them how to receive the Holy Ghost.

I became a little bit mad by filling people with the Holy Ghost everyday, at least 7 people per day everyday since September 2012. But in 2020 I developed my preaching skills and now I fill over 250 families with the Holy Ghost, in just 1 hour and 10 minutes.

I do this by giving them a business card containing the website with instructions on how to receive the Holy Ghost, and go to Heaven after they die on this earth and they will inherit their Heavenly Bodies.

So that’s why I started recording my own music from the Gospel of
John. So that people may learn the word of God from my music and stop people from sinning. Because Jesus said to the Jews Authority, that: “You people sin because you do not know the word of God nor His power”.

So Now Please: Get “Your Ticket To Heaven” by reading the instructions written on the website below: anyone who believes can receive the Holy Ghost. It doesn’t matter whether you are a sinner or not.

Jesus died for your sins. All sins are forgiven, except the sin of
denying Jesus. Not believing in Jesus is the worse sin, unforgivable in this life and in the life to come. The Eternal Life in the New Heaven & the New Earth to come. And all the people say? Amen!.

Screen name:
Member since:
Nov 27 2021
Active over 1 month ago
Level of commitment:
Very Committed
Years playing music:
Gigs played:
Under 10
Tend to practice:
2-3 times per week
Available to gig:
1 night a week
Most available:

Instrument experience:



Recording Software
Music Mixing Software
Internet Connection.
Help from 9 DJs for the instrumentals