Band to Join, Vocalist, Vocalist - Tenor, Vocalist - Soprano, Rhythm Guitar, Lead Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drums, Saxophone, Keyboard, Piano, Background Singer, Mandolin, Vocalist - Alto.


Expat yank, former L.A.- based "record-maker" (“record-maker == producer/songwriter/engineer/mixer/amateur psychotherapist/marriage coach - as all bands are basically polygamist marriages of some sort, at least until the publishing splits are discussed and understood… ) and former lead-singer/guitar player in silly rock bands overseas, prior to that.

After a hiatus from most all things music for well over decade, the "itch" (or perhaps illness or mental/behavioural dysfunction depending on the lens one examines it through...) has returned.

There are two "threads" of projects I'm seeking others for - the first is focused on primarily on personal enjoyment/expression (essentially pretending to be 16 again...) is in rock cover/tribute material with a distinct 1970's influence, as (hopefully) demonstrated by the sampling of cover tunes I have uploaded here.

This is for the pursuit of the sheer pleasure/satisfaction of playing tunes, paying reverential homage to music that is enormously meaningful to and resonates deeply with me, music that essentially defined my humanity (defined my humanity for better or for worse, still haven’t figured that part out…).

So I'm here on the bandmix platform seeing who else might be out there, hiding in the shadows of this current "music desert of Sydney" (thank you pokie machines and overinflated asset bubble of the last 30 years driving real-estate prices to complete Ponzi-scheme absurdity, and ...), with similar artistic and stylistic tastes and musical fundamentals to me. Folks who can play/sing at a level the music requires, are willing to do the work to actually learn the parts, will laugh at a few of my jokes, and pretend to listen intently to war stories from my misspent youth in the record biz...

But also...

I am here simultaneously in search of a broader, more-diverse pool of musical talent ( who, like me, did not listen to wise parental counsel and do something sensible with their lives like becoming dentists or banksters or plumbers…) to participate in some rapidly-forming commercial entertainment endeavors -- also based 100% around cover/tribute music, no original artist development here kids, sorry -- encompassing a far-more varied/broader selection of popular musical genres than just the aforementioned, 1970's/80's “old-person” stuff.

Translation of the latter thing into plainer English:

I’ve partnered with some highly-pedigreed AU music biz/entertainment industry professionals and we’re looking for some pro-level musical talent. We’re currently in the inchoate exploratory phases of building a number of cover/tribute projects across multiple musical genres.

The work/roles will require pro-level abilities/experience (M/F vocalists, gtrs/bass/keys/drums, multi-instrumentalists…) with attendant stage performance experience, and will thus be compensated accordingly.

Significant comfort with current live-performance technology and methods is vital (everyone on IEM’s, playing live against significant backing and cue info). No one needs to be a “conservatory-level reader”, but the ability to quickly and thoroughly learn parts by ear with high levels of attention to detail, part retention for a large repertoire, and above average singing abilities are all a prerequisite.

Confused yet?

Can't say I blame you.

However, If you think that anything on the above stream-of-semi-consciousness describes you/your abilities, and are intrigued by this poor excuse for crafting clear and compelling copy , then make please feel free to make contact. More can be explained in exchange for some basic information about you, and if possible, some samples of your work.

Screen name:
Member since:
Mar 17 2019
Active within 1 week
Level of commitment:
Very Committed
Years playing music:
Gigs played:
Over 100
Tend to practice:
More than 3 times per week
Available to gig:
2-3 nights a week


I'm a child of the 1970's, so the vast majority of my foundational musical references (and the sense of magic, excitement and opportunity that seemed ubiquitous in the record and associated touring sectors back in those*t, now I sound like my old man...) would have been formed around contemporary music dominant in/around that time period (see the music I have chosen to cover/upload as examples of the tracks that I will allocate my time to meticulously re-creating).

Melody, melody, melody and more melody, with the kind of beautifully crafted hooks and “Damn, I wish I’d thought of that” lyrics that have (and hopefully continue to) inform each of our own individual "soundtracks of our lives".

I've been a guitar player since the age of 10 - nobody else wanted to sing in year 6, so the “lead singer” job kinda defaulted to me and I kept doing it – so to put a finer point on it, the vocal-driven, guitar/drum/keys-centric rock and rock-pop music created during the last ...idunno... 50 or so years is the lens through which I will naturally assess most things I hear.

There's still exceptional work being done all over the world today (and certainly in the last 30 years...) but at my age, and with my background, when I hear new artists, I often can't help but hear the influences that influenced their influences (if that makes any sense at all).

As a singer/”overgrown adolescent” - still emulating his heroes:

Old School: Paul Rodgers, Lou Gramm, Bon Scott, Freddie Mercury/Brian May, Steve Marriott, Rod Stewart, Steve Perry, Steven Tyler, David Coverdale, Roger Daltrey/PT, Don Henley, Lindsey Buckingham, Ann Wilson, Eric Carmen, Bob Seger, others…

More contemporary: Kelly Jones, Myles Kennedy, Chris Cornell, many others

As a guitar player: Those who play for the song and have a distinctive, recognizable uniqueness.

As a (former) “record-maker” and songwriter: Anyone who has ever put great work out into the world – great craft is great craft, great art is great art, and a great song is a great song regardless of genre or style.

Instrument experience:

Vocalist - Tenor:
Rhythm Guitar:
Lead Guitar:
Acoustic Guitar:


Gear? Plenty. In fact, way more gear than any sane, well-adjusted person who is no longer making music as full-time, as a professional should have (just ask my wife...).

Guitars/instruments/amps/processing etc: Yep, all the right tools to make/express/effectively communicate the genres of melody-driven, guitar-centric music from the latter half of last century.

Most of the rare collector/vintage pieces went a while back when I initially hung up the "record producer" shingle in 2007 - "if one is no longer building houses there's no need for as many specialized hammers , but I still have more guitars than I can fit in my car at one time (this is not braggadocio, but mature self-deprecation and self-referential "taking-the-piss"...).

Audio - Recording: Here again, plenty. And in this department I absolutely know how to use it all. Fortunately I got out of the "black-hole-money-vortex" of ownership, maintenance (care/feeding of all the 'must-have' vintage and modern stuff to compete in that market) and associated business model of large format recording studios in L.A. and managed do it with MOST of my skin still on my bones, but am making the most of all of the astounding advances in the audio/recording gear available.

Audio - Performance environment:

Ditto. Full DSP-based mixing systems for IEM's and active wedges/fills for multiple independent mixes. (with active and x-former isolated splitters). If only this stuff had been this good, this portable and this affordable back when I was still fronting in silly rock bands, I might have kept on doing it.